- إنضم
- 14 يناير 2020
- المشاركات
- 5
Welcome to MojitoSRO Silkroad Private Server. The server cap is 120 and D12 stuff are activated (weapons, armors and accesories). The best way to success on this server is by doing job. As Job Profit rates are 45x you will get enough money to buy NovaEgypt and D12Sun items
- Website: mojitosro.com
- Website Features (mojitosro.com)
- Profesional and secured Website.
- Custom User Panel at Website (manage your game accounts easily from there).
- Vote4Silk System at Website.
- Donation System at Website.
- Job Penalty Time Reset at Website.
- WebCoins - Website coins that you can earn from website and social events that you can change for mojitoStars.
- Exchange System at Website.
- Forum Available.
- Live - Help and Support 24/7.
Server Details:
- Exp: 20x
- Sp: 450x
- PartyXp: 50x
- JobProfit: 45x
- Drop: 20x
- Gold:20x
- Server Slots: 1500
- Server Status: Easy
- More than 1 Year Online!
- Profesional Staff.
- Constant Game Updates!
- Good and Active Comunity!
**Gold and Drop rates are Mid in order to bump Job System** |
Game General Features
- Active Regions: Alexandria, Constantinople, Samarkand, Hotan, TK, Downghang, Jangan, Jupiter.
- Caves and Instances Working: Jangan Cave, Downhang Cave, Jupiter Temple.
- Fortress War: ON (every Tuesday and Saturday (19:00 - 21:00 GTM+1) | TaxMoney on Sundays)
- Fortress Register Time: Tuesday and Saturdays from 00:00 <-> 17:00 GTM+1
- Capture the Flag: ON
- Arena (Normal/Party/Job): ON
- Medusa Spawn: Every Day - 4 Times (04:00, 10:00, 16:00, 22:00) GTM+1
- Titan Uniques Spawn: Every Day - 4 Times (01:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00) GTM+1
- Quests: Begginers Quests give you some gold in order to buy NPC equipment and get ready for jobbing
Game Specific Features
- Free Silk: For every hour played, you will get 1 Free Silk.
- Custom teleport dock.
- All avatars (including newest ones) available at Item Mall.
- All fellow pets (including newest ones) available at Item Mall.
- Cheap Item Mall Prices (no overpricing on newest items) / Cheap Silk (mojitoStars) for Donators
- Custom scrolls, pots, fireworks and new Job Suits can be purchased for free with Arena Coins at custom NPC in Hotan.
- Weekly Free random avatar can be purchased at custom NPC in Hotan for Arena Coins. (This week: Steampunk Avatar)
- You can always make PVP, Job, Party with someone.
- Good and Active Comunity.
->> mojitoSro Special Features
[mojitoSro Feature] Custom Trijob Ranking
[mojitoSro Feature] Custom Trijob Ranking
- Top 20 Players of every Job (Traders, Hunters, Thiefs) will get a custom unique title with different zerk stats.
- The ranking is based on Job Contribution.
- The ranking is updated every Weekly Server Inspection.
[mojitoSro Feature] Custom Unique Ranking
- Every week, the player that kill's more times an Unique, will get a custom permanent buff.
- There are 8 Unique Buffs, (Tiguer Girl, Uruchi, Isyutaru, Lord Yarkan, Demon Shaitan, Cerberus, Captain Ivy, SoSo Viper)
- All Unique Buffs got custom auras.
- All Unique Buffs got special stats.
When you create a Char, you will get:

Custom Stuff
->>Copper, Iron, Plate and Gold Coins can be bought at Hotan Potion Merchant. 1 Copper Coin = 2Mgold | 1 Iron = 2 Copper | 1 Plate = 2 Iron | 1 Gold = 2 Plate. You need Coins in order to buy SOM, SON and SUN items.
->>You can buy SOM, SON and SUN D10, D11 and D12 items at Hotan Weapon Merchant, Hotan Armor Merchant and Alexandria Job Item Trader.
->>You can buy D10,D11 and D12 MagicStones and AtributeStones at Hotan Potion Merchant.
->>Elixires can be packed: 50 units.
->>Lots of Avatars Added:
->> Unique Events, Job Events, Racing Events, Pvp Events, Quizz Event and more custom events with great rewards

->> User's Opinion
Version Data and Notes:
Client is 1.243. Hope you can enjoy playing this server. Have a nice day!!
Your mojitoSro Team.
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