- إنضم
- 14 يناير 2020
- المشاركات
- 42


Hello everyone, these days a solid filter has become a mandatory part rather than a luxurious part of your server, whether its protection, features, control, you name it, every good server uses one.
Honestly, i kept seeing many filters over time, few has last long, even fewer supplied what they claimed.
The main goal of SR_Proxy is to be efficient, light, easy to use, and above all - safe.
Regardless of its ultimate goal, it will also help you to maintain your server ongoing routine easily, all in all - its just gonna make your life easier.
Important Notes:

- SR_Proxy is FREE and always will be.
- There are many tips and notes and info labels on the UI panel itself it will help you know how and what to do to get all the systems working, use it well.
- The filter will automatically install the required mssql related database for you, you wont have to install anything, just set your settings & enjoy.
- If you have any ideas to improve / have feature suggestion / your under attack / have questions - feel free to contact me.
- The filter is based on a working vSRO v.188 server, if you have messed your server with your edits, dont expect me to fix your server, you have been warned!

Setup / Installation Guide:

1) First you will have to download the latest supported .NET Framework 4.7.2 Runtime from the official Microsoft website - Click here.
If you use a lower version of the .NET Framework, you will experience crashes.
If you dont have .NET Framework at all, the application wont start at all.
Installing or updating .NET Framework requires your machine to be restarted.
2) Next, make sure your server is up and running and all services are green in your SMC, now we can define our MSSQL Settings:

First tab on the right called "Units", fill your MSSQL settings, make sure your DB names are correct and so is your server name, id and password once you are done click "Save Settings" and you can click on "Check" button and it will check if a proper connection can be established.
If your MSSQL connection is remote, specify the IP address of the host, instead of the MSSQL server name in the "Instance Name" field and tick "Remote SQL" Connection".
If you use a custom port for your remote connection, specify the port number in the port field.
Remote SQL Connection is only required if you outsource your server, you dont have to use it with single module architecture.
Once you have confirmed the filter can reach your MSSQL server, click "Save Settings" and then "Restart Filter", after that the filter will restart and install the required MSSQL database called "SRO_VT_PROXY".
3) Lastly, lets move on the the final stage, the IP's and Ports settings on that same tab:

Framework IP & Modules IPs, should match each other and be the primary public IP of your machine, assuming that you are not outsourcing your server.
Public Ports, can be basically anything, you can use whatever ports you want, just make sure that they are properly forwarded (Opened) in your firewall.
Private Ports, are the ports of your inner redirection, or in other words, those who are specified in your .ini files at your certification server.
Once you are done with all of those, make sure your client (Media.pk2) gateway server IP and Ports matches the GatewayServer IP of the filter and of course, the Public GatewayServer port.
Once a proper connection through the filter can be established you will see the connection counters increase or decrease accordingly.
4) Add the missing lines to your Media.pk2/Server_dep/textdata/TextUISystem.txt located at your filter directory to see your custom filter messages.

This is just a glimpse of the features that SR_Proxy provides, download to take a fresh look on all of its features
- AFK Bubbles:
If you stay idle in game for a few minutes a bubbles effect will appear on top of your character.
- AFK Detector:
You will have the ability to DC AFK players on Battle Arena, CTF, FW and even restrict AFK players to be rewarded by the silk/h system. - Silk per hour:
An ability to reward players a with silk for each hour they are online.
You will be able to set restrictions on the system such as minimum required level or afk. - MSSQL based logs:
You will be able to record real-time events such as:
- All,private,guild,union,gm chats
- Global Chat
- Unique Kills
- Magic Pop win/lose actions
- Real-time table that holds your current connections
All of these are useful if you wanna give your players further information on your website! - Custom Notices:
You will be able to send a player or all players a custom notice with a simple insert statement from your db side, all based on real-time. - Item Plus Notice:
You will be able set a minimum plus, from which, a server notice will be seen on their alchemy success actions.
The system will automatically get the real item name & advanced elixir type which is on effect.
- Custom Titles Commands:
You will be able to set your yellow titles by typing !settitle <number>, the system is based on real-time.
You can get all of your available titles in your server dynamically by typing:
!gettitles in your "all" chat.
All real-time, there is no need for a teleport.
- Characters Session Lock:
Players will be able to lock their account
temporarily if they are playing in an internet cafe nor away from their keyboard, type !lock <4-digit-password> (in your all chat) to lock your character, once locked you wont be able to trade/drop/exchange/stall/move items.
type !unlock <yourpassword> to unlock your character.
the lock will be automatically revoked if the character is disconnected.
- Custom Uniques Reward:
These days, all servers have str uniques or some other kind of editted unique mobs, with this system you will be able to add an unlimited amount of uniques dynamically with each of its reward value, that the killers will be rewarded once they have slayed them.
- Automatic Events: (More Events will be added soon)
I promised that with SR_Proxy your server routine will be easy to handle!
Why pay for another Automatic Events program when you can have all-in-one?
You will be able to run events automatically on your server, those are the list of the available events: - Retype Event:
A notice with a given word will be seen on the entire server, first player to type it wins the event (case sensitive). - Trivia Event:
A notice with a trivia question will be seen on the entire server, first one to reply with the correct answer, wins the event. (All chat) - Lucky Staller Event:
A notice will be seen on the server with instructions to open a stall & when to close it, a lucky winner will be picked. - Alchemy Event:
A notice will be seen on the entire server with a task of achieving a specific plus, first players who completes the alchemy task, wins the event.
You will be able to control the random pluses ranges. - First Type Event:
A notice with a given word will be seen on the entire server, first player to type it wins the event (not case sensitive). - Longest Online Event:
The system will automatically detect and reward the longest online player on the server. - Math Event:
A notice with a math problem will be seen on the entire server, the first person who writes the correct asnwer (All chat) wins the event. - Lottery Event:
a notice with a registeration period will be seen by the whole server, write /register in your all chat to participate the event, a winner will be randomly picked. - Lucky party number Event:
A notice will be seen on the server with a lucky party number, the player who reaches that pt number wins the event. - Uniques Event:
- You will be able to set your own customized unique monsters directly from you database, set a delay for each summon phase, the system will spread the spawns across the spawning area.
- All of this events has a customizable text files where you can add your own texts, you will also be able to set a timeout for each event round and a reward amount aswell.
- PC/HWID limit (Premium Only):
This feature has become a must-have feature on servers to allow a fair game-play.
You will be able to view all of your connections HWID
You will be able to set a limit for PCs (HWID) to enter the game a.k.a Server PC limit.
You will be able to set PC limit on specified regions or states such as:
- Fortress War PC limit
- Job Mode PC limit
- CTF PC limit
- BA PC limit - Protection (Exploits/Flood):
Needless to say that with SR_Proxy your server is protected!
All of the exploits are hardcoded in the filter.
Additionally, you will have an advanced packets & bytes per second limitation applied to your incoming connections, and if thats not enough you can even set a broad spectrum of packet processor.
The advanced AI protection system will automatically drop verified legit connections to save system resources, that being said, it will still be able to reacquire the target once an exceptional pattern has been detected, the system automatically "learns" your clients behavior overtime, thus making it easier to detect and handle malicious intentions.
You will have the ability to determine which action will be taken once a malicious pattern has been found:
1. Disconnect the client
2. Ban the client (Firewall)
Packet-based exploits or floods are a thing of the past now! - Automatic Databases Backup & Upload (MEGA Drive):
Data integrity, every server has to make his highest priorities to ensure its data is intact.
You will be able to automatically create a backup of your databases on your specified path.
You will be able to automatically upload the backup set your created to a remote drive (MEGA Drive)
All of this will happen behind the scenes while your server runs, you wont need to do anything! - Multiple AgentServer Support (Unlimited amount of modules):
SR_Proxy supports multiple AgentServers (some modifications might be required)
let the filter do all the hard work regarding networking ;-)
In a nutshell, you will have 1 asynchronous server that will redirect to all of your AgentModules dynamically and the coolest part? you wont even need to specify each of them, the filter AI system recognize this for you!
- Easy Control & Setup:
Upon first setup, the filter will automatically create your filter db "SRO_VT_PROXY"
it will add all the required tables/functions/stored procedures for its operation.
You will be able to easily search & filter through your connections, dynamically view their info.
reward players with Silk/SP/Gold, teleport them.
You will be able to view or save their latest packet dump (from a specific user) or the entire module.
You will be able to disconnect / ban a selected connection.
You can send a notice to a specific player (notice will be seen by him only)
You can send notice to everyone spawned in the game
- Field Tested, Stability & Accuracy:
Stability is a very important thing, without it the server is useless.
With SR_Proxy you wont need an extra computing power for your server machine, it is designed to require as little resources as possible from the machine while utilizing many of the cutting edge computer science optimizations to keep the responsiveness of your server & latency unaffected by the filter.
Furthermore, all pre-released builds will go under a series of stress tests to insure they pass peaks of stress at once & overtime.
You will have the ability to meticulously inspect & monitor all of your connections with the ease of pressing a button !
The idea of a filter is not difficult to make, but difficult to maintain at a flawless level.
here we are, handling over 1,000 concurrent players with little or no effort while using a low-end testmachine.
- Restricted GM commands:
These days GMs are a very important part of your server community, but trusting someone u dont know? hursh.
With this feature you will be able to specifically assign GMs commands permission per gm character.
Get that trustworthy issue off your chest.
- Restrict Server Access by Region:
Running a local server? this feature is meant for you!
You will be able to set an access to the server by a specified country only.
All other connections but the specified country will be ignored. - Real-Time Currencies:
These days, every server has its own way of managing its economy, whether it would be coins, golds, silk or anything else.
Many server uses stored procedures to reward their players with their server currency, problem is, it is not real-time and it leads to some weird bugs in the game since the db & server files are not synced.
so basically what we did, is we fixed the silk package update,
that means that (Points,Gift) silks will update on a real-time base & not just the silk currency.
- Skill disable based on regions:
Every server has its own set out of agenda or rules to make it a fair game-play, some skills are too weak, some are overpowered.
With this feature ,you will be able to block a specific skill on a variety of in-game positions or states (Battle Arena, CTF, FTW, JOB).
each of these positions will have their own customizable list that will hold your blocked SkillsIDs, all of which can be updated on real-time, you can add or remove skills as you like, how many you like, without any restart to your server. - Compatibility:
The filter is built for vSRO 1.88 only.
The filter is compatible with any reverse proxies DDoS protection (ex: hyperfilter,CloudFlare tested)
The filter has a list of "NETCAFE" IPs that you can add, all of those will be exluded from the limitations such as PC/IP limits.
SR_Proxy Does not interfere with any Bot program (mBot / sBot/ vSRO helper(vietnamese bot)) tested).
SR_Proxy is not a substitute for a solid DDoS solution.
All changes made to the filter are real-time based, you wont need to restart the filter for any of the changes you made, only click "Save Settings" button & you're good to go.
Feature Name|Description
Outsourcing Services|Ability to use the filter while you outsource your server files/mssql server.
Multiple AgentServer(s) support|An unlimited amount of AG modules are supported.
Remote SQL Connection |Ability to securely connect a remote mssql server.
Server Notice|Abillity to send a custom notice to your entire server.
Logging message|Ability to show spawned chars in the filter log window.
Welcome Message|Ability to send a welcome notice for newly spawned characters.
Shard Name |Ability to change your shard's server name.
GM's Anti-inivsibility|Ability to disable invisible mode for GMs when they spawn.
Disable Game-Guide|Ability to disable the annoying game guide for newly created characters.
Solely Country Access|Ability to allow a connections to the server only from a specified country.
Region Detection|A system that detects characters regional location in-game.
Scheduled Notices |Ability to set a pre-defined scheduled notices every X minutes.
Server IP Limit|Ability to restrict access to the server by IP.
GM validation |A system that verifies your GM's privileges.
Packet Processor|A system that allows to set a broad-spectrum packet scanner.
Disable Captcha|A system that emulates your server captcha input.
Packet per second limit|Ability to set a maximum amount of packets per second for gw/ag modules.
Bytes per second|Ability to set a maximum amount of bytes per second for gw/ag modules.
Malicious Packet Protection|Ability to block malicious opcodes.
Firewall Block|Ability to block a connection in the firewall for rules violation.
Stall request delay|Ability to set a delay on stalls.
Guild request delay|Ability to set a delay on guild requests.
Union request delay|Ability to set a delay on union requests.
Exchange request delay|Ability to set a delay on exchange requests.
Global chatting delay|Ability to set a delay for global chats.
Exit delay|Ability to set an exit delay.
Restart delay|Ability to set an restart delay.
Zerk delay|Ability to set a zerk delay.
Guild Members Maximum limit | -
Union Members Maximum limit | -
Global chatting required level|Ability to set a min lvl to use global chats.
Max plus limit |Ability to set a max limit plus for items.
Allow academy creation | Ability to disable/enable academy creation.
Disable Restart|Ability to disable restart option for clients.
Disable item/gold drop in towns| -
Disable fellow pets while zerking |-
Disable job mode| Ability to disable job suits usage.
Disable advanced elixir|Ability to disable advanced elixir usage on a specific dg.
Disable FW tax rate | Ability to disable guild masters rights to change the taxes.
Disable fellow pets in FW| -
Disable res scrolls in FW| -
Disable trace ability in FW| -
CTF required lvl|Ability to set a min lvl to participate in CTF.
Battle Arena required lvl|Ability to set a min lvl to participate in BA.
Chat Filter|A system that restricts keywords combinations on all available chats.
Disable Reverse Scroll in job mode|back to death point
Disable Reverse Scroll in job mode|Last Recall point
Disable Reverse Scroll in job mode|chosen map point
Disable Goods drop inside towns|-
Disable res scroll while jobbing|-
Disable trace ability while jobbing|-
Ress acception window delay|Ability to set a delay on which players can accept the ress window dialog.
Disable thiefs reward menu access|-
Unique kill reward system|Ability to reward uniques killers with a specified amount of silk (tg,cerb,ivy,uru,isy,ly,ds,medusa,wk lv 90 / 100, SoSo)
Log players all chat| - sql table based log
Log players pm chat| - sql table based log
Log players gm chat| - sql table based log
Log players pt chat| - sql table based log
Log players guild chat| - sql table based log
Log players union chat| - sql table based log
Player loading image time span| - sql table based log
Players magic-pop win/lose| | - sql table based log
Modules Crash Dump|Ability to extract the latest packet dump when the modules crash.
Proxy logs|Ability to extract the filter operational logs.
Bots Detection| detects bots pattern, restricts abilities such as (logging,alchemy,create pt,inv. pt, exchange,stall,arena,ctf,fw,pvp,trace)
PC limit|Ability to restrict server access by a number of PC's
Fortress war pc limit| -
Job mode pc limit| -
Capture the flag pc limit| -
Battle Arena pc limit| -
Afk detection system| a.k.a afk bubbles
DC afk players in CTF| -
DC afk players in BA| -
DC afk players in FW| -
Silk/h system|Ability to set a reward / time on which players will be rewrded with silks
Disable silk/h for afk players| -
Min lvl for silk/h reward| -
Custom Uniques Reward|Ability to set a reward to your custom uniques.
Auto plus notice system|Ability to show a notice in game when players reach over a specific plus value
Auto notice system|Ability to show a custom notice in game based on your own sql insertion query.
Character Session Lock|Ability to lock or unlock character while your away.
Custom yellow titles|Ability to set a custom yellow titles by command.
SQL Table based logs| Global chat/Unique Kills logs.
Skill Prevention System|Ability to block skills on routine or (FW/CTF/BA/JOB)
Automatic Events|Ability to start an event randomly (look at the spoiler above for more information)
Connections Manager|Ability to view all of your connections info on run-time, amount, infos, etc.
Diagnostics|Ability to easily debug important server aspects.
Backups| Remote Drive Backup (Supporting MEGA only atm)
Auto DB Backups|Ability to create automatic backups on a specific path of your dbs.
Version 2.5.0 - Scan:

The application is packed & encrypted and there might be some false-positive results, if anybody holds any doubt, i will gladly share a view of the source.

- Fixed a logic mistake in the plus notice system
- Fixed missing module name in cons was cuased because accessed the dict solved by settings the auto implemetned property directly
- Fixed missing name on rawmodule cons tab, (was not suuporting ag2)
- Recoded the async server now it will support unlimited amount of agentservers, and it will redirect them dynamically
- Fixed a tiny bug in the did not report his hwid block
- Fixed a bug in the regions detetions and the teleport gate detector
- Added FW, Job pc limit implementations.
- sql con type will be chosen according to user settings.
- Added Job,FGW PC limit
- figure out why sometimes there are empty columns in connections tab (CharName16/ProxyModule) mostly, cn16 was caused by in-accurate spawn packet
- Added the missing db tables creation on startup (ThievesStacks), adjusted the _Players table columns accordingly.
- fixed a disable adv on specfici dg exception
- Changed the way the security modules access the auto implemented properties (avoiding key not exists excpetions, while multithreading)
- Fixed a bug in the hwid assign -> multiple ag modules can generate same TokenIDs
- Forced DC() func after ag redirection
- Added clear button on connections tab
- commented the botsengine sql queries
- add some if contains check in botsengine system, avoding key not exists exceptions.
- Recoded silk_pack related made it and its related stuff async
- Recoded the messages send funcs in UTILS engine
- Fixed the silk msg spam bug, also checked its related stuff, reocded them to be async.
- Fixed a bug while filter results in connections manager
- Realigned the cons tabl columns
- Fixed the right-click dc selected connection menustrip
- Recoded ExportLog(), gracefully handles multi-threaded log writing.
- Fixed a bug in the AG/GW CTRS() missing brackets was causing malfunctions
- Merged the disposed sockets & disposed gw sessions made it more simple, will save some RAM usage.
- Changed if pc limit restriction while adding disp sock/gw on async svr dc() func
- Recoded async server to be double based, the filter will internally redirect to the corrsponding agentmodule
- Recoded the redirection handler, automatically redirecting to corresponding ag modules dynamically, (auto learn nr of ag modules, act acordingly in case of failure)
- Changed auto events, not spawn phases will be spreaded across a square area for each spawn phase
- Not released yet
Future Updates / to-do list:

- This section will be updated once your suggested features are accepted & added into the to-do list.
Pricing / Donations / Premium (Optional):

- SR_Proxy will always be for free, however, you can show your appreciation by adding the filter logo to your website footer.